surfs up on the internet for cool game where you are STUCK in SPACE with SOME OTHER JERKS who want to kill you
but maybe...... just maybe..... your the killer jerk here, and youre getting some revenge
stay alive on space station 13.... coolstation edition. avaialable ONLY on hit game design play engine BYOND (biuld your own net dream)
oh yeah there's a twist but ull have to find that out later (shhh)
its space station 13. oh you don't know???
its a 2d tile-based game like one of those old roguelikes and it's also a sort of multiplayer social deduction game like amogus except the tasks and real and self directed and rely on INTERCONNECTED SYSTEMS like an immersive simulator game
everyone is a player doing REAL fake jobs on the station, including the AI (AI like hal 9k not AI like generative garbo) and the cyborgs: also players, with their own motivations and personality weaknesses that can be appealed to and exploited.
rube goldberg machine of murder with dwarf-fortressy levels of complication, but it's also good to make friends among the chaos
ours is built off thE ORIGINAL server goon's station and doing a throws back to what things were like a decade ago but better and not worse
well maybe take a honk of this little webpag that says more about what we're about: click here
we've got gun's (lots of gun's), we've got draculas, we got the older and easier to contribute art style (lower standards!!!), we got multi-z-level planetary stations, we're improving medbay, we have a logistics department, we're gay
why yeah there's gonna be new maps
new maps, new centcom, new syndicate, new themes,
turns out wer'e slower than we expected at creating a coolstation masterpiece
but a masterpiece it shall be
every year it happens and it keeps happening and we just can't stop it and so every year it happens and it keeps happening and we just can't stop it and so every year it happens and it keeps happening and we just can't stop it and so every year it happens and it keeps happening and we just can't stop it and so every year it happens and it keeps happening and we just can't stop it and so every year it happens and it keeps happening and we just can't stop it and so every year it happens and it keeps happening and we just can't stop it and so every year it happens and it keeps happening and we just can't stop it and so every year it happens and it keeps happening and we just can't stop it and so every year it happens and it keeps happening and we just can't stop it and so
hey do you think things can get better
i sure do, or at least i sure hope they do
hard to fight for good change if you're hopeless
and i refuse to believe that this is all it can be
no matter what......
thank you for loving pupkin
space station where all the problems that brings" . space station . ? My country sucks .
coolstation is big and old curmudgeon style .
the best route with people or something but seems burning stuff puts out very little info card things .
the ss13 comics were pretty much everyone knows someone who was it the word only appears in front of her at target .
coolstation dot space .
not because pormn or anything but like, we're a buncha rowdy raunchy buds and pals and there are Themes tNot Suitable for 17 and below legal purposes etc etc but also we're explicitly not a family friendly affair
nothing personnel, kids (come back when you're older) (non-derogatory)
fplus i even changed this line just to see if the build works, so if you read this, congratulate me????
did you know we don't like, super know what we're doing in website making
i think we got like some template for the navbar but the rest is notepad adn fukken dreamweaver cs3 2020
ANYway we're going to have more sub pages that are hyperlinked like for example WHY COOLSTATION??? why on earth would anyone play a game with a website that looks like this
that page..... its got helpful multimedia diagrags as to our varies strengths and weaknesses
i refuse to learn from my mistakes
i will only make new ones
this div is just more meta shit
at some point it was a div that was a spacer but then i put stuff in it
SUPPOSEDLY THIS WEBSITE CONTAINS ELEMENTS OF SOMETHING CALLED "BUTTSTRAP" and i've finally got my ass up on what it even is which is why these divs are less heinous
NOW I KNOW what it is but this changes nothing
I am STILL going to continue to shit divs everywhere with zero consideration and then put a gif there also
what if i made this entire page a big table................ I AM NOT MAKING THE ENTIRE PAGE A BIG TABLE
hey wer'e getting pretty good at this
can you believe this is legible and usable on a phone like at all
if you're still here you might be wondering: WHY COOLSTATION??? why on earth would anyone play a game that looks so good on the website
the answer is: good luck pal, you can't play this game on a little handheld phone smart device
just for computers nerds only
i'n not putting any of the new divs from div hell in here. this is so it loads better for you on mobile. anyway this is the skunk hat box car div and that's that
i am actually using boot strap now, and that's why this site LOOKS SOOOOO GOOD
however div heaven is still just the same regular shitty divs i was doing before
this allows me to continue the tradition of shitting divs everywhere with zero consideration and then put a gif there also. it's still funny.
good question, it looks like this
now there's an actual screenshot on the website for the video game up there
here's a helpful pancrease, our actual mascot
and one more because i'm feeling generous (a clickable gallery would be way too fancy for our purpses)
most recent .
(pre alfpha playtesting your experience and appearance may be different from when its done)
come back later we're gonna have more great stuff for you
god dreamweaver is the biggest piece of shit
56k warning by the way
and thats that. now u know how the hot dog is made
so wont you join us in the game? in the github? in the discorb?
your input is valuable to us and we want to make a space station 13 server you can all reallysay "COOL" to! can it be us???? will it be us????i believe there are creatures on this earth that we are better off not knowing about (bigfoots, etc) and i believe ther is a place for all of us and if you read this far maybe coolstation is a place for you also
we're actually making the game i promise this isn't 3 years of excuses of beuilding a funny website please believe me in my sincerity hereokay have a nice day and see u later..... my friend
Friends of Erysdren
and ouar own page: FRIENDS OF COOLSTATION
and thats the end of the real page. see you round juicer